saya masih lg keseorangan di sini yep. .di uitm kedah. .without duin nothing. .pe da. .sgt la membuhsankan yep. .laptop saya pula dah biol n saya x bulih nak on9 lg. .hanya meminjam laptop kawan bwat sementara waktu neyh.
aiyark. .tension meyh. .hurm. .dok kat sney pulak awek x byk yg blh kita nak tegur sape. .
andai yew saya ada sebijik kereta. .sudah tentu saya jlan sekitar kota n mencari sorg awek meski pun saya dah da steady awek. .wawawawa. .
kerana saya sgt suka byk awek n sy sgt sukakan gul rather than boys. .yeah!!
hurm. .pe lg nak kumin neyh. .dah lama bebenor x on9. .n update ma blog. .dh mcm ape ntah aku tgk blog aku neyh. .hukhuk. .
November 01, 2010
August 07, 2010
seharian buhsan tol. .
. .sbnr yew, xda bnda yg nak dtulis kt sneyh. .x terlalu byk coretan. .mklum la. .aku neyh x pndai nak karang2 ayat. .huu~. .tp aku gagahkan dri gak bwat benda alah neyh. .pe aku merepek?
hurm. .aku dh merenx. .aku mcm ada suka kt surg mamat neyh. .hampeh. .x leh jdk neyh. .nk kena buang perasaan neyh. .jan smpai merebak. .bhaya tul. .aku x nak khlgn buah hati aku. .huu~
August 04, 2010
Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
you could be my scene
you know that i'll protect you
from all of the obscene
I wonder what you're doing
imagine where you are
there's oceans in between us
but that's not very far
Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it in my face
this pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it in my face
Everyone is changing
there's noone left that's real
to make up your own ending
and let me know just how you feel
cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
my whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
you could be my scene
you know that i will save you
from all of the unclean
I wonder what you're doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
but that's not very far
Nobody told me what you thought
nobody told me what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
told you when to runaway
nobody told you where to hide
nobody told you what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
showed you when to runaway
This pain you gave to me
You take it all
You take it all away...
This pain you gave to me
You take it all away
This pain you gave to me
Take it all away
This pain you gave to me
August 01, 2010
penat lorh. .
July 30, 2010
blog muka baru
. .akhir yew, setelah 24 jam ngadap laptop, aku berjaya gak siapkan blog aku neyh nan muka baru segala. .huu~. .penat wo0. .aku mencari2 smpai la ke tahap amek 'brg2' yg ada kt blog org laen. .huu~. .kuh amat suka kan muka baru blog neyh. .lawa amat. .lagu pun sedap meyh. .masa aku membazir begitu jep sbb bwat blog neyh. .huu~. .wel xtualy, i luv it. .huu~. .dh ada muka baru. .baru la selera nak tgk blog. .huu~
July 15, 2010
Kenangan Terindah by Samsons
Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
Yang mampu menyanjungku
Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun
Aku mampu tuk mengenangmu
Kutemukan hidupku
Kau lah cinta sejati
Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah
June 15, 2010
di hatiku ada dia
. .hurm. .bwat masa neyh, aku dah kapel nan mel. .ktwunk kapel masa 8 jun hari uh. .aku hepi sgt bila dpt kapel nan mel. .dye la segala yew bg aku. .hurm. .sayang mel sgt2. .hana marah nan aku. .aku sendri x taw nape dye marah aku sgt2. .aku sedih bila hana tgl aku mcm uh jep. .hurm. .xpe la. .yg penting aku taw hana sht. .abg long pulak skunk neyh frust. .dye gado nan wife dye. .dye suruh aku lupakan dye. .dye kata dye xnak lg hidup kat dunia neyh. .abg long slalu sgt mcm uh. .dye suruh aku kuat. .tp dye sndri x kuat. .aku sedih abg long mcm neyh. .hurm. .semalam aku pos kat mel kad yg aku bwat sendri tok dye. .huu~ .x lama lg aku dapat bantal buchuk mel. .thehhehe. .hepi yew. .aku sayang mel sgt2. .aku harap sgt aku hepi nan mel. .n hbgn ktwunk akan kekal smpai bila2. .
June 07, 2010
aku sakiti hati dye
. .aku x taw pe salah aku nan hana. .tp hari neyh, hana kecewa sgt2 nan aku. .aku dh try asked her. .pe yg bwat dye kecewa nan aku. .tp dye kata, fkir sendiri la. .masalah yew, aku sendri x taw pe yg aku dh bwat kat hana. .aku betul2 sedih hari neyh. .sedih sgt. .aku kecewakan hana tapi aku x taw pe salah aku. .dr aku trus bwat dye kecewa nan aku, lbih baik aku diamkan diri. .itu lbh baik. . bwat hana kecewa adalah perkara paling bodoh pernah aku bwat. .menyakiti hati hana tnpa sengaja bwatkan aku rasa bersalah. .aku terlalu sayangkan hana. .dye lah sgala yew bwat aku. .dari hari ke sehari, mel makin sayangkan aku. .cinta mel terhadap aku terlalu kuat. .tapi aku x dapat nak terima dye sbb hati aku masih pada hana. .susah aku nak lupakan hana. .meskipun aku taw, hana bukan la milik aku, tapi fkirn aku x dapat berhenti dri memikirkan hana setiap masa. .hana. .maafkan laily. .laily x dapat jadi seorang teman yg terbaik bwat hana. .aku terlalu merindui hana. .setiap masa aku memikirkan dye. .tp, ntah la. .aku dh sakitkan hati dye tnpa aku sedari. .im sorry. .mel, laily sygkan mel. .tp bwat masa neyh, laily x dapt nak terima mel sbgai teman istimewa laily. .im sorry. .mel dh terlalu baik tuk laily. .setiap masa, msg. call, juz tuk pastikan laily sht, dh mkan, minum n evrythin. .mel terlalu baik. .tp hati laily blum pasti, tuk menerima diri mel. .im sorry. .but for sure, setiap hari, laily menantikan msg2 dari mel. .call dri mel. .sbb laily terhibur. .mel mengisi sume ruang kosong dalam hati laily. .laily x taw mcm mna nak balas budi baik mel uh. .i love y0u, beby b0o. .
May 26, 2010
. .mimo. .
. .hurm. .ada nowat sorg awek neyh kat dlm spiz. .tp dye x layan. .dye kata sbb dye gul n sy pun gul. .ceh. .so wut? .muahahaha. .umur sethun jagung jep. .15. .huu~ .
May 13, 2010
. .aku kat uma sedang besarkan perut. .
. .im realy bored. .seriously. .dok uma. .duing nothin. .hurm. .sumbody plisz. .get me out of here. .freakin damn bored. .hurm. .aku juin spiz lg. .giler la. .spiz dah ada kemajuan. .x tahan tol. .dah jd mcm fb lak aku tgk. .hakhak. .then. .ada penk neyh mnx kapel. .i said, no. .muahahaha. .saje. .coz dye igt. .kapel neyh mcm tukar baju ke? .sengal. .aku benci dowh nan budak banking uh. .fuck giler. .marah weyh. .nak kenal pun salah. .giler. .fkir abg kau uh hbt sgt la weyh. .pi mampus la. .dye uh. .budget aku nak sgt nan dye??!! .(pdhal mmg nak pun). .agagagaga. .minah gampangan. .blah la woi. .
May 06, 2010
May 05, 2010
benci betul hari neyh
. .aku nyampah giler la hari neyh. .ada ke patut ada surg penk uh sakitkan hati aku hari neyh. .aku mmg nyampah giler la nan dye. .dye kata aku neyh kuat sgt berangan susah sgt nak menerima hakikat sbnar. .dye kata ibarat aku neyh x berpijak di bumi nyata. .sakit hati betul la nan dye. .nyampah taw x. .dye fikir aku xda perasaan ke. .bangang. .sakit yew hati aku. .bodo la minah uh. .sakit hati aku. .aku malas la nak cari gaduh nan dye. .lgpun, dye tua 4 thun dari aku kan. .so, aku malas la nak cakap pe nan dye. .aku senyap jep. .sbb dye lg makan garam dari aku kan. .tapi hati aku betul2 sakit nan kata2 dye td. .marah yew. .
April 29, 2010
[♥] juStIn bIebEr
April 28, 2010
. .bAby by juStIn bIebEr. .[♥]
(Ohh wooaahhh) x3
You know you love me
I know you care
Just shout whenever,
And I'll be there
You want my love
You want my heart
And we would never, ever, ever be apart
Are we an item?
Girl quit playin'
We're just friends,
What are you sayin'?
Said there's another as you look right in my eyes
My first love, broke my heart for the first time
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby, baby noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Baby, baby, baby noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Oh oh For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool
But I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything
I'll buy you any ring
Cause I'm in pieces
Baby fix me
And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
I'm goin down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around
And I'm like
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Baby, baby, baby noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Baby, baby, baby noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
When I was 13, I had my first love
There was nobody compared to my baby
And nobody came between us, no one could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was star-struck,
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks(Woo! )
She made my heart pound, I skip a beat when I see her in the street
And at school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekend
She knows she got me dazing cuz she was so amazing
And now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying...
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Baby, baby, baby noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Baby, baby, baby ohhh
Baby, baby, baby, noo
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I though you'd always be mine (mine)
I'm gone
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeahhh
Now I'm all gone
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeahhh
Now I'm all gone
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeahhh
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone
I'm gone
April 19, 2010
. .hurm. .dh nak final. .
. .wut words to say. .dh nak final dh pun. .huhuhu. .hurm. .smlam aku msg nan aza. .dye baik sgt. .huhu. .realy like her. .dye agak tua dr aku. .25. .comel la. .a gul. .huhu. .dye budak perak. .mcm mna eak nak cakap. .hurm. .aku suka dgr sore aza. .aza pun suka dgr sore aku. .huu~. .then, ktwunk suka la dgr sore masing2. .ahakz. .dye agak manja. .a lil bit caring n understanding. .wish to be hers. .tp x blh cuz its not easy to fal in love. .[♥]
April 10, 2010
. .yuLia voLkova. .

y0u aNd I bY t.A.T.u.
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
Every night
We're all alone every night
My only hope is a light
That's shining from inside you
'Cause we believe
In what we are you believe
In what we'll be in this dream
So I can stand beside you
No truths to confirm
No lies to deny
Too hopeless to care,
We're too scared to cry
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
Cast aside
To an endless street we recess
For what believe we will hide
Maybe we can make it through this
Is it fair,
To run away,
Is it fair to belive this, we're victimized
For a life we didn't ask for
No truths to confirm
No lies to deny
Too hopeless to care,
we're too scared to cry
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Gotta fight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
You and I
Feels so right
You and I
Holding tight
You and I
Side by side
You and I
For the rest of our lives
March 26, 2010
. .buhSaN. .
. .ya. .hari neyh buhsan bha. .enda ku tahu. .hakhak. .hurm. .wut news?. .nothin. .sume yew ok blaka. .ok la sgt. .batin ku terseksa mcm kapal pecah. .aramaiti bha. .aduh. .mcm mna sih. .ku sedih amat. .
March 12, 2010
'oNe tImE' =3
Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye
Me plus you (I'ma tell you one time) [x3]
When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop
And even though its a struggle love is all we got
So we gon' keep keep climbin' till the mountain top
Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart (and now I've got my)
One love
My one heart
My one life for sure
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
You look so deep
You know that it humbles me,
Your by my side and troubles them don't trouble me
Many have called but the chosen Is you
Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you
Your world is my world (Your world)
And my fight is your fight (My fight)
My breath is your breath
And your heart (and now I've got my)
One love (Yeah yeah yeah)
My one heart
My one life for sure
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time (Hey)
(girl I love, girl I love you)
And I'ma be your one guy (one guy)
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
Shawty right there
She's got everything I need
and I'm gon' tell her one time (one time)
Give you everything you need
Down to my last dime
She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side cause
She is the one
One love (Yeeeeaaahhh)
My one heart
My one life for sure (You, yeah yeah)
Lemme tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(girl I love, girl I love you) (yeah)
And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my number one girl
Always makin time for you (Wanna be with you, oh)
I'ma tell you one time (one time)
(girl I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time (one time)
(girl I love, girl I love you)
Me plus you (I'ma tell you one time) [x3]
March 08, 2010
* ciNtA tErLaraNg *
. .adakah ini yang dinamakan cinta? .hurm. .ntah la. .cinta sesama jenis. .cinta antara seorang gurl nan gurl yg lain. .huhu. .ntah la. .perasaaan neyh terlalu sukar untuk ditafsir. .kadang2 hati kita x dapat nak menipu ttg perasaan kita terhadap seseorang. .mcm perasaan laily kat semua org. .hurm. .ntah la. .laily sayangkan hana. .sayangkan abg farz jugak. .sayangkan ryn jugak. .iz. .aini. .aina. .semua la. .adoy. .byak yew. .sayangkan semua org. .farah lg. .abg along. .huhu. .im a playgurl. .muahahaha. .
March 07, 2010
[rindukan seseorang]
. .hurm. .dah lama x contact nan abg farz. .ntah mcm mna la abg farz kat sana eak. .rindu sgt2 nan abg farz. .sejak cuti hari uh, langsung dye x msg. .huhu. .sgt sedih bha. .ntah abg bwat pe la kan. .dah mkan ke lom. .hurm. .ntah la. .byak btul bnda berlaku masa cuti hari uh. .x taw nak cakap mcm mna. .semua yew di luar jangkaan. .huhu. .sedih bangat. .rindukan abg farz. .rindu sgt2. .
March 06, 2010
. .hurm. .hari neyh, im totally out of mood. .why? .dun even asked me why. .td dah la mangun lewat. .nasib baik x lambat sgt. .
. .test. .

March 01, 2010
. .sLip. .
. .hurm. .skunk neyh time to slip. .tp laily ta tido lg. .tgh bwat pe. .hurm. .jgn ditanya. .tgh bwat bel 26o. .huhuhu. .then nak kena baca buku. .sbb esok ada quiz eco 126. .dasat btul. .truk la laily neyh. .cuti punya la lama. .tp ta penah nak mnfaatkan yew. .hakhak. .laily mmg mcm uh. .merenx. .hehehe. .gewd muwninx malaysia. .
February 28, 2010
. .bLow mE a kIsZ. .
It's Like This (This) It's Like That (That)
I Got Dough (Dough) I Got Stacks (Stacks)
I Can't Buy Anything That I Need (Need)
But I Gotta Have U 4 Free
I Ain't Neva Paid 4 It In My Life (My Life)
So Why The Hell Would I Pay 4 A Wife (Wife)
I Need Luv (Luv) Yes I Do (Do)
But This Is Wat I Need From U
Ooh A Brother Need Luv And Affection
A Brother Need TLC
And I Talkin Bout Chilli (Chilli)
But I'll Take Chilli If She Want It
Ooh A Brother Need Cookin And Cleanin
And When She Say She Luv Me She Mean It
Her Insides Pretty (Pretty)
Hey Hey Hey
And If That's U (U)
Blow Me A Kiss (Kiss) 2 Let Me Know (Know)
If U Feelin Me U Can Do Better (Hey)
Than That Scrub That U With (Than Scrub That U With)
Baby All That U Gotta Do (Gotta Do) Is Blow Me A Kiss
Hey Hey
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Blow Me A Kiss
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da-Da Da-Da
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Blow Me A Kiss
I'm Bout This (This)
I'm Bout That (That)
I Had Hoes (Hoes)
(I Spent Stacks) Stacks
I've Had Everything In My Life (My Life)
But I'm a Have U Tonight
Yeah I'm a Have U... U...
I Need Luv (Luv) Yes Indeed (Deed)
But This Is Wat U Get From Me (From Me)
Ooh I'm a Give U Luv And Direction
U Can Be My? I Ain't Talkin Bout Thriller (Thriller)
But I Could Be Your Thriller If U Want It
Ooh I Don't Need No Cookin And Cleanin
We Can Get A Maid If We Need It
Cause I'm On My Brizz-ed (Brizz-ed)
Hey Hey Hey
And If That's U (U)
Blow Me A Kiss (Kiss) 2 Let Me Know (Know)
That U Diggin Me (Diggin Me) U Can Do Better (Hey)
Than That Scrub That U're With (Than Scrub That U're With)
Baby All That U Gotta Do (Gotta Do) Is Blow Me A Kiss
Hey Hey
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Blow Me A Kiss
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da-Da Da-Da
Da-Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da
Blow Me A Kiss

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